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Q: What does a full home inspection include?

A: Tri-California Home Inspection will inspect the condition of the home’s heating system, central air conditioning system, plumbing and electrical systems, the roof covering, attic and visible insulation, walls, ceilings, floors, windows, doors, the foundation, and structural components. We include digital photos in your home inspection report, which will be available within twenty-four hours or less.


Q: When do I call a home inspector?

A: Typically, a home inspector is contacted immediately after the contract or purchase agreement has been signed. Before you sign, be sure there is an inspection clause in the sales contract, making your final purchase obligation contingent on the findings of a professional home inspection. This clause should specify the terms and conditions to which both the buyer and seller are obligated.


Q: Am I required to have a home inspection?

A: Home inspections are optional, but they may be required to secure a mortgage. However, even if it isn’t, you should have a home inspected before you buy it to ensure that you are making an informed decision.


Q: Should new homes be inspected?

A: Yes. Even new homes have deficiencies that the builder may not see or may neglect to repair.


Q: I am selling my home, should I have my home inspected?

A: Yes. Tri-California Home Inspector can perform a pre-listing inspection to help you know the condition of your home so you can have the opportunity to address any problems prior to listing.


Q: How long does a home inspection take?

A: The time to complete the inspection will vary based on the size, age and complexity of the home. The time frame can vary from 2 to 3 hours based on these factors.


Q: What if the inspection uncovers problems?

A: No home is perfect. If the Home Inspector identifies problems, it doesn’t mean that you should or shouldn’t buy the house, only that you will know in advance what to expect. If your budget is tight or you don’t want to become involved in future repair work, this information will be important to you. If major problems are found, a seller may agree to make repairs.


Q: Who is present at the inspection?

A: You are more than welcome to attend and observe the inspection of your home, although it is not required that you be present. On average, 50% percent of our clients do not attend the inspection, 40% percent come for the last 30 minutes, and 10% attend the entire inspection. It’s your home, your inspection, and your decision. We encourage you to be present.


Q: Does getting a Home Inspection assure that I know every possible issue with my home?

A: An inspector can only perform a visual inspection. They also test many functions of the house. Examples, plumbing, lights, electrical outlets, ovens, air conditioners, sprinkler systems, etc. If an issue exists behind walls or under shingles or sheet rock, there is no way to inspect it without tearing a hole. Example: They can assure that the roof shingles are in good shape but if there is an issue under a shingle that can’t be seen visually, there is no way for them to observe it. A home inspection is not a warranty – it is a tool to assist the home buyer in having a better understanding of the condition of the home when they make a decision to (or not to) buy and negotiate the offer with the seller.


Let's Answer Your Questions


Inspecting all aspects of the homeowners electrical panel.


Checking proper plumbing drainage valves.

Gas Line

Inspecting gas meter for leaks and proper working order.


Roof inspection.

Before You Buy or Before you Sell, "Inspect & Protect"!

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